
install required pacakges

mpv-git svp  vapoursynth 
  1. Close everything and run SVP to profile performance; when it’s done, it’ll just tersely close

  2. Make mpv use SVP! Add an SVP profile and a preset for to ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf (see πŸ“„ below)

  3. Verify it works by opening a file with mpv and add SVP to autostart programs!


profile=svp # Enable svp by default, here in the "top-level" of mpv.conf

# Keep within screen bounds; if window larger than W%xH% of screen, resize to W%xH%

[svp]                               # SVP profile
# Everything below here only applies to this profile until another profile is declared!

input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvsocket     # Receives input from SVP
hr-seek-framedrop=no                # Fixes audio desync
resume-playback=no                  # Not compatible with SVP

# These are are for hardware (GPU?) decoding.
# According to the Arch wiki,
# "hardware decoding is discouraged by mpv developers and is not likely to make 
# a significant difference in performance."
# Still: slightly better performance for 4K videos if enabled, apparently.

# Can fix stuttering in some cases, in other cases probably causes it. Try it if you experience stuttering.
