Prerequisites Make sure you have LUKS2 A FIDO2 compatible security key like the Yubikey 5 Install libfido2 and dracut or mkinitcpio Adding A Security Key Check your security key is present sudo systemd-cryptenroll --fido2-device=list If the security key is detected, you should see the device info similar to the following: PATH MANUFACTURER PRODUCT /dev/hidraw4 Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID Actually adding the security key to LUKS sudo systemd-cryptenroll /dev/name --fido2-device=auto --fido2-with-client-pin=yes It’s going to ask for your PIN, after you entered the correct PIN, it’s going to ask you to tap the security key twice....
Arch Linux Installtion
Arch Installation Installation 1. Partion a disk fdisk /dev/sda d # Delete Partitions p # List Partitions n # Create Partitions w # Execute changes 2. Make filesystems mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2 mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sda1 3. Mount Partitions mount /mnt /dev/sda2 mkdir /mnt/boot mount /mnt/boot /dev/sda1 4. Connect a WiFi First, if you do not know your wireless device name, list all Wi-Fi devices: [iwd]# device list Then, to scan for networks: [iwd]# station device scan You can then list all available networks: [iwd]# station device get-networks Finally, to connect to a network: [iwd]# station device connect SSID 5....
MPV with frame interpolation
Installation install required pacakges mpv-git svp vapoursynth Close everything and run SVP to profile performance; when it’s done, it’ll just tersely close Make mpv use SVP! Add an SVP profile and a preset for to ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf (see 📄 below) Verify it works by opening a file with mpv and add SVP to autostart programs! ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf profile=svp # Enable svp by default, here in the "top-level" of mpv.conf # Keep within screen bounds; if window larger than W%xH% of screen, resize to W%xH% autofit-larger=100%x100% [svp] # SVP profile # Everything below here only applies to this profile until another profile is declared!...
Wireguard Setup
Setup WireGuard Client using systemd Installation Install: openresolv wireguard-tools Uninstall systemd-resolvconf if exits, due to potential DNS leak issue Configuration Install the config file to the WireGuard configuration directory on your Linux client: sudo install -o root -g root -m 600 <username>.conf /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf Start the WireGuard VPN: sudo systemctl start wg-quick@wg0 Check that it started properly: sudo systemctl status wg-quick@wg0 Verify the connection to the AlgoVPN: sudo wg See that your client is using the IP address of your AlgoVPN: curl ipv4....